• Specific: The goal being understandable by everyone ensures that the desired success is clearly seen.
• Measurable: Your goal must be measurable in order to show the achieved success in the most concrete way. You should determine in advance which metrics you will measure your success with, and the current situation should be frequently monitored with these metrics during the process of reaching the goal.
• Achievable: It is very important that your goal is at a reachable list of phone numbers philippines point while pushing your limits. You should determine a logical and acceptable goal by analyzing the current situation in detail with the data at hand.
• Relevant: In this step, you need to analyze how relevant the goal you have chosen is to the general goal of the business.
• Time: Each goal has a time limit to be reached. Therefore, time planning should be done in the best way for each step taken towards the goal. After evaluating the current situation in the
Planning stage, it should be decided which marketing channels should be used to reach the target audience. You should analyze the strengths of each channel you have correctly and use them effectively.
In the Conversion Planning stage, you can perform the conversion analysis of the goal you have determined through your website or mobile application in this step. You can learn how successful you are by examining your conversions after communicating with your target audience to reach the desired goal.

The user achieving the desired conversion on the site is an indication that the planned strategy is progressing successfully, and it is also an important step. Because after the targeted conversion is achieved, the brand and the user start to know each other much more closely. While the brand has basic information such as the user's name, gender, address and device information, the user will have used the brand's website or mobile application. For this reason, brands can attract users who have previously experienced their processes to their websites much more easily than new users. In addition, the targeting and communication strategy you establish with the data you have about the user in this process can increase your conversion rates. Marketing channels such as e-mail marketing and mobile notifications, where you can communicate with the user one-on-one, are important channels for creating interaction. Thus, personalized messages can increase both the user's loyalty to the brand and your conversion rate.