Account Based Marketing strategies

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Account Based Marketing strategies

Post by samiaseo222 »

If you are not sure whether your company should apply Account Based Marketing strategies , consider the type of client you are looking for and the volume of demand for the service you offer. To be clearer, we provide two examples that will help you decide which is your case:

Case 1: This company sells pest control korean number whatsapp products. Its clients are all professionals and companies that provide fumigation services in all types of industries. Its database exceeds 10,000 professionals in this field, which allows it to supply them with the product whenever they run out.

Case 2 : This company is dedicated to the construction of industrial greenhouses. Its clients are people who want to expand or build a new greenhouse. Beyond the product, the company provides a personalized service to the needs of the client and only focuses on certain areas of the country with the necessary conditions for the installation of the greenhouse.


If you identified with case 1, your B2B marketing strategy is focused on a high volume of customers. If you think you are not achieving your goals, perhaps you should review the media and communication with which you are reaching them .

But if you identified with case 2, then your company has a limited number of clients and they have very specific characteristics, so it is qualified to carry out an Account Based Marketing strategy .
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