The Third Sector and Digital Marketing

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The Third Sector and Digital Marketing

Post by muskanislam44 »

NGOs and other third sector institutions generally fulfill the noble function of, without economic ends, exposing society's problems and calling on people to reflect and contribute to change.

However, despite being noble, it is not an easy task. Therefore, to strengthen the brand and attract people with the same social purpose, the help of digital marketing is very welcome.

Let's look at some points where special attention is needed when formatting a marketing plan for the third sector.

Of course, every marketing plan needs a well-defined audience whatsapp number singapore to be successful. However, in the case of the third sector, some particularities change the rules of the game a little. Since the company is not selling a product or service, but rather a cause/idea, the focus in defining the audience should be more on the convergence of values, purposes and other qualitative elements, rather than consumer habits and quantitative indexes. The chances of conversion are much greater when you are in tune with what the person thinks, regardless of social class, age or gender.

Since third sector companies do not have a source of revenue, campaigns are usually geared towards raising donations, since their structure also needs money to function. With this in mind, it is essential to understand what your limitations are and what to do to overcome these challenges, making it easier to define the basis for all future actions and manage results and measure the efficiency of strategies.

Since the topic of donation is still somewhat taboo in our society (as is clear from the new Pesquisa Doação Brasil website that we just launched!?), it is very important to find an appropriate, non-invasive and appealing approach. Many do the opposite and even achieve results, but not without sacrificing a little of the possible lasting relationship with the donor. Getting a donation through the guilt or pity that the person may feel is never as good as winning over a volunteer/partner/donor who is engaged and motivated to promote the cause.

The same distrust that requires an appropriate tone also demands care with the transparency of the company's communication and actions. Having the positive impacts promoted by the NGO and the final destination of the donation received clearly displayed in the support and fundraising spaces (hotsites and landing pages) is a great way to gain the trust of the potential donor and motivate their participation.

Donations don’t come easy. Rarely does anyone decide to donate on impulse. The process of convincing people takes time. Education also doesn’t happen overnight. Another common purpose of third sector companies (educating the public about the problems they want to combat) requires ongoing work. Therefore, there’s no point in rushing. The success of digital marketing plans for the third sector lies in repeating the message on several fronts (social media, ads, SEO, email marketing, Landing Pages, etc.), with different formats and content.
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