It is possible to get excellent conversion results with Facebook Ads. Despite the fact that many have started to think that the social network is down.
Even with the reduction in engagement, Facebook Ads is still an important media tool. After all, it also allows ads to be placed on Instagram.
With a well-designed and integrated strategy , you can be sure that it is possible to improve conversions on Facebook Ads.
Want to know how? Here are some tips:
1. Use the Facebook Conversion Pixel
The Conversion Pixel is a code that must be canada phone numbers list installed on your website. With it, you can better understand the performance of your campaigns, in addition to working with Remarketing and LookALike . In other words, re-impacting people who have already visited your website and expanding your targeting to other similar profiles.
Through Pixel, Facebook itself will start to create a history of the people who visit your website. This makes it possible to make campaigns more targeted and effective.
2. Don't underestimate the power of images
Increasing conversions on Facebook Ads requires working very well with the options and features of the networks. And both Facebook and Instagram are essentially visual channels .
This means that you only have a few seconds to grab your audience's attention with your ads. However, you will only be successful in this endeavor if you know how to give your campaigns good visual appeal.
In addition to the image itself being relevant to your brand and being attractive, it is essential to be aware of the 20% rule . Images with a text ratio above this will have their delivery reduced on Facebook Ads. In other words, you will already be at a disadvantage.
3. Don't try to sell to everyone
One of the big secrets to improving conversions on Facebook Ads is getting your segmentation right . After all, you need to communicate with a group of people who may be interested in what you sell. And you can only achieve this with focus and targeting.
Therefore, don't be lazy when exploring and planning the segmentations offered by Facebook. If possible, test different niches to understand where there is the greatest potential for return.
4. Test whenever possible
Speaking of testing, it is important to keep in mind that Digital Marketing needs learning to evolve.
In other words, without the freedom to test, it is difficult to move beyond common sense and understand what your market is looking for.