Increasingly, when selecting people for specific roles or positions in teams, managers pay attention not only to their skills, but also to their personality types. Often, already at the recruitment stage, candidates are asked to complete personality tests designed to reveal their motivations, interests, and style of interacting with people and situations. Today, we will take a look at convergent and divergent thinking. What are the differences between them and how can they affect your performance? Read on to find out more.
Convergent vs divergent thinking – index:
What is convergent thinking?
What is divergent thinking?
Convergent vs divergent thinking
Is divergent thinking better than convergent thinking?
Can you develop divergent thinking?
What is convergent thinking?
Convergent thinking focuses on finding just one answer to a specific problem or question. In this case, there is no room for ambiguity. Of course, several alternatives are tested during the decision-making process , but in the end, it all comes down to identifying the one correct solution.
divergent thinking
Characteristics of convergent thinking
A convergent thinker narrows down the possibilities during the argentina whatsapp number database to finally arrive at an option. What are the characteristics of convergent thinkers?
Speed – Convergent thinkers act quickly. They simply seek a solution to a problem and do not wonder whether another method would be better. If it proves effective, it will be implemented.
Logic – Convergent thinkers are very logical. They don’t waste time looking for new solutions or implementing innovative methods. They have a specific, established course of action.
Precision – convergent thinkers follow a defined strategy, perceiving it as the only correct action.
What is divergent thinking?
One of the key words behind divergent thinking is creative thinking. There is something to it . Divergent thinking is not about being specific in the decision-making phase. Various possibilities, even those seemingly unrelated to the topic, are explored throughout the process.
It is associated with greater freedom, a lack of limitations and the search for new possibilities. In this case, following the well-trodden path is out of the question. Here, each case is treated individually, and different perspectives are taken into account. Divergent thinkers excel in innovative environments where everyone can share their thoughts and ideas that can solve a specific problem. With such a diversity of perspectives, it is easier to come up with an innovative solution.
Characteristics of divergent thinking
Divergent thinking skills allow you to create something new and progressive. In addition to being extremely creative, divergent thinkers are assumed to have the following characteristics:
Curiosity – To follow your own path and explore the unknown, it’s important to be inquisitive. Divergent thinkers are curious to try new solutions.
Flexibility – Divergent thinkers are able to look at a problem from multiple perspectives and adjust the solution to the changing situation and new challenges.
Convergent Thinking vs Divergent Thinking: What's the Difference?
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