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Does this sound familiar?

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Here we go! The research phase is over and now the final phase of the bachelor's thesis is underway. But what happens if you just don't feel like it? You keep trying to write but somehow you can't think of any words and somehow everything else is more important and exciting. The consequence is clear: you keep putting it off from day to day and don't get to the end. But it's actually so important to finally write and turn off Netflix! Why? It usually also marks the end of your studies and helps you to graduate. But why can't we do it? This article provides answers and help!

According to a definition by the FU Berlin, the term is to be understood chemical manufacturers email lists as follows: “ The term ‘procrastination’ refers to postponing tasks that are considered urgent and necessary and instead doing something else of lower priority and less essential. ”

By the way: it is important to distinguish between prioritization and procrastination. Postponement is not always the same as procrastination. Procrastination always pushes important tasks back and instead devotes itself to less important tasks - in other words, the exact opposite - and often creates a guilty conscience.
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