Global Sales and Solutions Architect

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Global Sales and Solutions Architect

Post by rifat28dddd »

Market negotiation After the platform proposes the recommended reduction amount, the market department and the customer will conduct in-depth communication and negotiation based on the specific circumstances of the reduction reason. This process involves the following key steps Negotiation confirmation The market department needs to fully negotiate with the customer on the recommended reduction amount proposed by the platform to assess the customer's acceptance of the current reduction plan. Customer feedback The customer will provide feedback on the recommended reduction amount based on their own situation and needs. This may include acceptance, rejection or modification. If the customer rejects the proposed reduction or exemption amount and proposes a new reduction or exemption amount, both parties need to conduct further negotiations on the new amount.

Re-examination Once the customer proposes a new luxembourg whatsapp phone number reduction amount, the request will be resubmitted to the operations department for review. The operations department will re-evaluate the situation and make corresponding adjustments based on the customer's feedback and the new reduction amount requirements. Funds confirmation In the loan assistance business model, if the charging entity involved in the fee reduction is the capital party, the following formal confirmation process must be followed: Preliminary reduction suggestion The platform or the operations department first proposes a preliminary suggestion for fee reduction and clearly states the reason for the reduction and the preliminary calculated reduction amount. Communication with the capital party Then communicate with the capital party on the reduction plan.

This step is crucial because the capital party, as the charging entity, has a decisive influence on the final determination of the reduction plan. Plan confirmation Discuss the feasibility of the reduction, the reduction amount and other relevant details in detail in the communication with the capital party and seek the consent and support of the capital party. Risk control approval The final approval of the reduction business is the responsibility of the risk control department. The approval process follows the following formal steps: Risk assessment The risk control department will conduct a comprehensive risk assessment of the reduction business, including but not limited to credit risk, compliance risk and reputation risk.
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