2. Are the responses the same across the various Google Assistants?

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2. Are the responses the same across the various Google Assistants?

Post by Md5656se »

Google Assistants do not return the same results despite having similar algorithms. The average response match between Google Assistants is just 22% across all devices.

Despite the difference in the nature of the devices, Google Home Hub and the Android phone code philippines phone have the highest percentage of similar results at 66%.

Only 0.33% of responses match between Google Home Mini and Android phone, despite a high match between phone and Google Home Hub.

3. The similarity of responses between Google Assistants
Because Google Assistant devices work with similar algorithms—namely Google Search—they essentially return the same answers, just with different wording.

The main reason we see differences in results has to do with the presence/absence of a screen. A device without a screen usually returns a more detailed response. On the other hand, devices with a screen often respond with "Here's what I found..." or something similar, with the information on the screen.


4. How many queries were voice assistants unable to answer?
Our research confirms that voice assistants are getting better at understanding users.

The average percentage of questions that have no answers across all devices is just 6.3%. This is a positive trend, as Forrester's study suggested that just over a year ago this figure was as high as 35%.

Of the six devices we tested, five of them struggled to answer just five (or fewer) questions out of every hundred asked. Alexa also struggled to answer nearly one in four.

Percentage of questions that were not answered

With 23% of unanswered queries, Alexa doesn't compare to Google and Apple devices. It's worth mentioning that Alexa struggled to answer almost one in four business-related search queries. This may be because it's a smart speaker initially designed for the home, so it's difficult to compare it to Google and Apple devices.
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