Relevance . The position must meet the needs of consumers.
Simplicity . The position must be understandable to the target audience.
Uniqueness . The key point is to reflect the competitive advantages of the product and highlight its differences from competitors.
Coherence . All marketing messages should be united by a common meaning, and advertising materials should mutually support and complement each other.
Consistency : Maintaining a stable positioning over a long period should be done with caution, especially if the brand occupies an important place in the industry.
Market demands and consumer needs are constantly vietnam telegram changing, which sometimes requires positioning adjustments. But changes should be implemented moderately, only if the current strategy does not bring the desired effect. Thus, at first, Sber positioned itself as a financial institution for the elderly. To attract other segments of the target audience, they created an ecosystem of different services, transforming their slogans into "Sber. For life" and "More than a bank."
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Criteria that reflect successful positioning
An effective strategy for differentiating oneself from competitors is expressed through:
Matching expectations - consumers perceive the brand exactly as the company intended.
Significance for the target audience - the advantages and benefits on which the positioning is based are recognized as valuable by the target group of consumers.
Clarity - the brand conveys clear ideas that do not contradict each other and are not subject to different interpretations.
Long-term - the strategy does not undergo frequent changes, following one concept for a long time.
Establishing a unified and structured image that is consistent across all aspects of the marketing mix (including advertising, price, design, product features) is key.
Criteria that reflect successful positioning
If the situation requires changing your differentiation from competitors, it is important to clearly define the desired objectives of positioning in marketing. Ideally, its change occurs naturally, not by order of management, but as a result of the internal evolution of the company, moving from one phase to another.
Types of positioning in marketing
A company can focus on creating and strengthening the image of a specific product or the brand as a whole.
Establishing a brand position
The main goal here is to create a strong and successful image of the organization. In addition, to promote the product/service, it is necessary to have a stable position of the company. In order for the brand to occupy a stable place in the minds of consumers, it is important to correctly determine the positioning, taking into account the following criteria:
For whom?
For what social audience?
In what environment?
Product strategy.
This procedure is used when a company is introducing a new product to the market, planning a big sale, or experiencing low sales figures for a particular product.
Establishing a brand position
There are two categories of goods:
Branded products . They are usually of high quality and have a long shelf life. The strategy should highlight reliability, status, guarantees and quality.
Everyday . Intended for daily use, sold at affordable prices: for example, food products, household chemicals, personal hygiene products.
When a buyer decides which milk package to buy, price and expiration date are important to him. These parameters determine his choice, not the brand positioning. However, if the buyer has a positive impression of the milk producer, he is inclined to choose the products of this brand, as he trusts it more.
Positioning of products and brands
Companies can use a two-pronged differentiation strategy by promoting both the brand and specific products. For example, Nestle is a manufacturer of quality products that are marketed under a variety of brands.
Other options for differentiating yourself from competitors:
Positioning based on product characteristics
When differentiating from competitors based on product characteristics, the emphasis is on the unique features or properties of the product. These may be physical features, functional capabilities, or advanced technologies.
If, for example, a product has a feature that competitors do not have, this can be the basis for positioning. It is important not only to highlight these characteristics, but also to explain the usefulness to the consumer.
Thus, devices with an innovative camera capable of taking high-quality photos in low-light conditions. This is especially valuable for photography enthusiasts who need a device capable of taking stunning photos in any environment.
In addition, product positioning in marketing by attributes may include characteristics such as reliability, ease of use, and stylish design. The main task is to identify the features that