7 SEO Rules to Optimize YouTube Videos to Succeed Like YouTubers
Youtubers are people who upload audiovisual content to the YouTube platform and know how to attract followers. If you have a company or are a marketer, you should know who they are and how they can help your business.
I imagine that, like many of you, you have seen a video on YouTube at some point, for example a funny one about the daily life of a person who, although not a television star or singer, is famous in his or her online community .
But this site doesn't just contain funny videos. You can also find interesting topics or tutorials to learn how to do a certain activity.
The idea of offering a platform to publish and watch videos from the Internet is owed to Jawed Karim, Chad Hurley and Steve Chen, who founded YouTube and who, probably , did not imagine the success that this platform would bring. So much so that Google decided to buy it.
With the success of YouTube, a new way of earning a living also emerged: YouTubers. These people are dedicated to uploading content of all kinds, and in many cases have surpassed television stars in popularity, and their minimum annual income is millions of dollars.
But what has been the key to success and what is the life of a YouTuber like ?
YouTube allows its users to vote, comment and subscribe to the channel, which is key to positioning the content.
Furthermore, it is known that the majority of YouTubers' audiences are teenagers or vietnam telegram young people, who perhaps seek out this platform to relax for a while with topics that they like or interest them.
Without further ado, let's learn all about this online phenomenon .
YouTubers are people who record videos to upload to YouTube and make a profit.
They tend to be eccentric, controversial, funny and misunderstood young people, so their young audience identifies with them and, therefore, does not miss a single one of their videos.
On the other hand, there are various reasons that lead a person to become a YouTuber: to gain fame, money, to spread their knowledge , to make their opinions known on various topics or simply for fun.
The videos uploaded to YouTube are usually self-produced , since the YouTuber himself writes the script, records it, performs it, and publishes it.
This is why in some cases the quality of the videos is low, as YouTubers want to stay updated on their channel and use the camera on their own phones.
Regarding the content, they are usually very diverse: video games, music, humor or tutorials (makeup, cooking, hairdressing, etc.).
YouTubers are also known as “Influencers” because, with their fame, they have achieved the ability to mobilize masses and generate reactions in their audiences.