Do not disassemble johnny five

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Do not disassemble johnny five

Post by hasinam2206 »

We'll need this in a second. Twilio voice chatgpt phone number setup demo in the develop tab , go to the phone numbers section , then select manage and then active numbers . Once you've found the number you want to use, scroll down to the voice & fax section . Under a call comes in , select function .

For service , select the function service you just 11-digit phone number format philippines created, which we named voice-chatgpt-demo . Then choose ui for environment and finally /transcribe for function path , since this is where your phone call should be routed first. Call your new phone number now to test everything! from the movie short circuit says "don't disassemble" and walks away in despair.


What’s particularly interesting about this integration is that the inputs and responses are available to you as a developer; the person’s speech recognition text as a parameter speechresultthat’s passed to the function /respond, and the chatgpt-derived responses as a twiml verb that’s executed on the calls. This means that these conversations aren’t closed boxes of business intelligence, and even though these functions are running in the twilio serverless environment, you can still get a handle on the conversation content through the call events api .
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