How to turn leads into customers

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How to turn leads into customers

Post by shammi88 »

There is no doubt about the importance that digital marketing plays in companies today. With Inbound Marketing and Content Marketing , companies have started to communicate in a way that is more targeted to the pain points and aspirations of their customers and not focused on themselves. But it is always a challenge to be able to convert leads into customers.

It’s really nice to see the number of leads increasing every month, isn’t it? This is a metric that any Marketing Manager is proud to present in their reports. Each lead that converts on a form represents a person who shows interest and values ​​what your company has to offer, whether it’s downloading an eBook, registering for an event or subscribing to a newsletter. Please note: all of this must be taken into account, weighted and measured, since the lead must correspond to the profile that your company has defined for its persona .

But once again, each person who converts and who represents the persona defined by the company is of immense value – and this is where the transformation begins: taking the lead along the Purchase Journey, making them evolve until they become a customer.

To help you turn leads into good deals, we’ve put together some tips:

1. Align marketing and sales and define an SLA
The first tip is to align strategies between marketing and sales . To start, define a Service Level Agreement (SLA).

The SLA is an agreement defined between marketing and sales, where the roles and responsibilities of each are established. This agreement makes teams more productive and efficient, which leads to better results and, therefore, better justification for the investments made.

2. Have a well-defined lead scoring
Defining good lead scoring also helps the work of marketing and sales teams.

The basic idea of ​​lead scoring is to qualify and prioritize a set of leads that are obtained through Inbound Marketing initiatives (for example, an email campaign or the conversion of a landing page form), according to a set of pre-established criteria.

In practice, lead scoring distinguishes “good” from “bad” leads and, within the “good” leads, which ones are ready to buy and which ones still need to be nurtured.

3. Structure the marketing funnel and the purchasing journey
The marketing funnel and purchasing journey are essential germany business mailing list to putting the Inbound Marketing methodology and the Content Marketing strategy into practice.

By understanding and combining these two concepts, it is possible to communicate the right content to the right person at the right time.

4. Invest in lead nurturing
Marketing automation tools help you create contextual, personalized nurturing flows based on assumptions and prior actions that increase the likelihood of success.


In the nurturing process, defining the lead as MQL (Marketing Qualified Lead) or SQL (Sales Qualified Lead) is very important, to understand when it should be worked on by marketing or sales.

5. Nurture opportunities that don’t convert into sales
If an SQL does not convert into a purchase, it is essential to continue working on it. It is just that it may not be ready to become a customer at that moment. As such, it is necessary to nurture it as an MQL.

Additionally, these leads consume and enjoy your content, and may reference it, helping to capture new contacts for your database.
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