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The phrase hints or suggests something. Something that is to come.

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 8:45 am
by Suraihanseo320
Word of mouth remains one of the most powerful tools in the marketing world. And for that very reason, it's a good idea to use reviews from your current customers to build trust through headlines on landing pages.

Testimonial headlines reduce the risk factor of landing page bounces. After all, oman phone number if other people similar to your target audience enjoy your products and services, why wouldn’t they do too? Plus, if a customer is willing to share their happiness out loud for everyone to hear, it means your business is good and you’re doing well.

Moreover, these headlines on landing pages help to increase your credibility. And considering that 85% of people share their opinions online about products and services, as well as personal recommendations, it makes sense to leverage those reviews to your advantage.

LKR Social Media experimented and worked to determine how to make landing page headlines with testimonials. And what the brand did was replace their original headline with a quote from the subscriber. With that alone, the brand experienced a 24.41% increase in their conversion rate.

2.- The Cliffhanger
The Cliffhanger

Buffer analyzed some of the most popular and most repeated words and phrases in headlines on landing pages. But not just any headline, but the best performing landing pages. And surprisingly, one of the most popular phrases is “this is.” Although it’s not so surprising when you look at what it brings with it.


Cliffhangers tend to be among the most clickbait headlines, used continually by social media experts like BuzzFeed. For example, check out the image above: “This Stunning Birth Photo Captures Something That Happens In Less Than 1 In 80,000 Births.”

The best landing page headlines tend to be the most specific ones, too. The ones that increase realism and intrigue. In fact, incorporating boldface language highlighting the phrases “ stunning birth photo ” and “this happens in less than” helps reinforce an element of surprise. Plus, incorporating quantitative numbers like “less than 1 in 80,000 ” makes the headline more compelling.

But how does this formula translate into a more serious example?

Years ago, Conversion Rate Experts and Moz worked together to turn around a landing page that, after the changes, generated over a million new revenue streams.

One of the key changes was made to the headline. It went from a standard “buy now” headline to a more comprehensive one: «When eBay, Disney and Marriott need help from Ser, this is what they do..Mentioning successful brands instantly adds credibility to that headline, while at the same time inviting the user to discover how to work like those brands .

3.- Value proposition
value proposition headlines on landing pages

Your main goal when it comes to getting users to convert is to convince them that you have something that will actually help solve their problem. And to get that point across, instead of focusing on your product itself, you should focus on the benefits of it.