Number of pages URLs are too long

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Number of pages URLs are too long

Post by Md5656se »

This is a parameter that indicates that a URL is too long in number of characters and we may have problems at the device level and with Google itself.

If we have URLs with too many characters we should know that not all devices will work the same.

Above all, we can have some problems with older smartphones.

With the new devices we will not have any problems, but as SEOs we do have to know that a URL that is too long usually contains too much information that may be duplicated in another URL.

This is because we find these types of URLs in domains with little control over their URLs.

To solve this, it is advisable to have a 301 system that allows us to create a more precise URL but with a redirection from the old URL to the new one.

Robots.txt not found
It's hard for SEMrush to be confused by this information.

It is telling us that the robots.txt file (already mentioned) is not in our domain.

If we don't have it, we are giving Google all the tracking possibilities.

Which is certainly not the most convenient for our project.

To solve this problem, it is best to carry out a thorough study of the conditions that we number code philippines want to define in our tracking strategy and capture them in this file.

Be careful not to have more than one robots.txt freely distributed throughout our domain without any control.

Pages have hreflang language mismatch issues
If we want the international semantics of our domain to be understood by Google, we need to have a correct code that tells Google what is what.

Hence the importance of having these tags correctly configured.

This is a warning that we need to check against the international targeting data in Search Console.

Both tools must give this data as positive if we want the internationalization of the language to be correct.


You just have to follow the recommendations of SEMrush and Google to make this functionality correct.

Although it is true that it is an HTML tag that causes more problems than joys, it is a very common error in international SEO strategies that have not had a prior SEO strategy.

In the following image you have an infographic with all the errors in a Site Audit.

SEO Audit - Site Audit Errors
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