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Find best practices

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 8:59 am
by hasanhossain
You can gain a lot of information from this process, so you should focus on the areas you want to know about. Include any quantitative data to refer back to along with qualitative.

Your top competitors are successful for a reason, they whatsapp russian number have tested and tweaked their strategies across digital platforms over time. This means they have developed best practices you can learn from.

For example, maybe your competitors see success by marketing on TikTok. Through competitive analytics, you can see the presence of your competitors and if a majority are using it, maybe it’s something you should consider.

Or you can see that a number of your competitors have climbed up the rankings on SERPs like Google or Bing. This probably means they are using SEO to optimize for searches using popular keywords and phrases.

Use a framework for analysis
What method you use to analyze your competitors depends on what you want to know.


3.For example, you can use SWOT analysis once you gather all the data if you want to discover new opportunities or threats in the marketplace. This will also help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.

Another framework to consider is Porter’s Five Forces. This looks at the market forces in an industry such as the t