For example, if your app
Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 9:08 am
For example, if your app requires storing image files, heavy graphics rendering, or user data, it will use more storage space. In this case, you will need to be careful and ensure that your app does not exceed the free GB allotment. If you exceed your limit for the month, you will be charged. After selecting the desired size, click Next: Add Tags . screenshot of step 4: add storage space Add tags Tags are used to categorize your AWS resources based on different use cases and make them easier to track. This would be applicable if you are working on large-scale projects and need to organize AWS billing costs in a preferred structure.
Therefore, it may not be necessary to add tags to your machine, telegram philippines girl especially if you are planning to use AWS only once for that specific application. Go ahead and click Next: Configure Security Group. screenshot of step 5: add tags Security group Configuring security is the last step before launching your AWS EC2 instance. If this is the first time you are creating a security group, select SSH from the drop-down list under Type . Everything else in this section should default to TCP on port 22 . screenshot of step 6: configure security group Here is an example of the security types and ports you can use in your web application.
Since we want people from all over the world to access the site, set the Source to these protocols to "". Here is the list of security types and protocols you should use. You can also add additional rules to the following list: Set Type to HTTP , Protocol to TCP , Port range to 80 and Source to “ ”. Set Type to HTTP , Protocol to TCP , Port range to 80 and Source to “ ::/0 ”. Set Type to Custom TCP , Protocol to TCP , Port range to 8080 and Source to “ 0.
0.0.0/0 ”. Set Type to SSH , Protocol to TCP , Port range to 22 and Source to “ ”. Set Type to HTTPS , Protocol to TCP , Port range to 443 and Source to “ ”. Launch and create a key pair Click “Review and Launch” to confirm your security group for your project. After reviewing your settings and clicking “Launch,” you will be prompted to select an existing key pair or create a new key pair. Click the drop-down menu and select Create a new key pair .
Therefore, it may not be necessary to add tags to your machine, telegram philippines girl especially if you are planning to use AWS only once for that specific application. Go ahead and click Next: Configure Security Group. screenshot of step 5: add tags Security group Configuring security is the last step before launching your AWS EC2 instance. If this is the first time you are creating a security group, select SSH from the drop-down list under Type . Everything else in this section should default to TCP on port 22 . screenshot of step 6: configure security group Here is an example of the security types and ports you can use in your web application.
Since we want people from all over the world to access the site, set the Source to these protocols to "". Here is the list of security types and protocols you should use. You can also add additional rules to the following list: Set Type to HTTP , Protocol to TCP , Port range to 80 and Source to “ ”. Set Type to HTTP , Protocol to TCP , Port range to 80 and Source to “ ::/0 ”. Set Type to Custom TCP , Protocol to TCP , Port range to 8080 and Source to “ 0.
0.0.0/0 ”. Set Type to SSH , Protocol to TCP , Port range to 22 and Source to “ ”. Set Type to HTTPS , Protocol to TCP , Port range to 443 and Source to “ ”. Launch and create a key pair Click “Review and Launch” to confirm your security group for your project. After reviewing your settings and clicking “Launch,” you will be prompted to select an existing key pair or create a new key pair. Click the drop-down menu and select Create a new key pair .