Should you start a blog or a YouTube channe
Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 6:52 am
Should you start a blog or a YouTube channel if you want to earn some income online—or grow your existing business? Enter today’s vid + guide: Blog vs YouTube.
I get this question a lot, but it’s not necessarily an easy question for you to answer. Both blogs and YouTube channels (video-first creative processes) have different advantages—and different challenges. In this video, I’m exploring all of those considerations:
Blog or YouTube Channel, which should you start in 2024?
For a deep dive on how to get started with a blog and a YouTube whatsapp phone number list , check out my two in-depth guides:
How to Start a Blog (and Make Money)
How to Start a Video Blog (YouTube Vlogging)
YouTube channels and blogs are both fantastic forms of content marketing that can help you dramatically grow your online business. But some businesses (and some audiences) will be more suited to blogs vs YouTube – and vice versa.
You could sit on the fence and opt to start both a blog and a YouTube channel at the same time. But that arguably makes it twice as hard to gain any traction. Even if you want to eventually have a blog and YouTube channel, you really need to pick one of those to start off with.
So where should you begin? How can you figure out what’s going to work for you—so you don’t waste a lot of time or financial resources going down the wrong path?
Should You Start a Blog or a YouTube Channel? Quick Answer:
The best way to decide whether you should start a blog or a YouTube channel, is to ask yourself how you most enjoy creating content. If you love writing more than speaking into a camera, then blogging will be a better choice. On the other hand, if it feels easier (or more fun) to just turn on a camera and talk about the topics in your favorite niche, starting a YouTube channel may be your best move. With hundreds of millions of daily active users on both Google & YouTube, you’ll find your audience (and they’ll find you) whether you start a blog or a YouTube channel.
I get this question a lot, but it’s not necessarily an easy question for you to answer. Both blogs and YouTube channels (video-first creative processes) have different advantages—and different challenges. In this video, I’m exploring all of those considerations:
Blog or YouTube Channel, which should you start in 2024?
For a deep dive on how to get started with a blog and a YouTube whatsapp phone number list , check out my two in-depth guides:
How to Start a Blog (and Make Money)
How to Start a Video Blog (YouTube Vlogging)
YouTube channels and blogs are both fantastic forms of content marketing that can help you dramatically grow your online business. But some businesses (and some audiences) will be more suited to blogs vs YouTube – and vice versa.
You could sit on the fence and opt to start both a blog and a YouTube channel at the same time. But that arguably makes it twice as hard to gain any traction. Even if you want to eventually have a blog and YouTube channel, you really need to pick one of those to start off with.
So where should you begin? How can you figure out what’s going to work for you—so you don’t waste a lot of time or financial resources going down the wrong path?
Should You Start a Blog or a YouTube Channel? Quick Answer:
The best way to decide whether you should start a blog or a YouTube channel, is to ask yourself how you most enjoy creating content. If you love writing more than speaking into a camera, then blogging will be a better choice. On the other hand, if it feels easier (or more fun) to just turn on a camera and talk about the topics in your favorite niche, starting a YouTube channel may be your best move. With hundreds of millions of daily active users on both Google & YouTube, you’ll find your audience (and they’ll find you) whether you start a blog or a YouTube channel.