Disruptive innovation: What is it and why is it important?

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Disruptive innovation: What is it and why is it important?

Post by nurnobi25 »

Digital transformation has changed the world as we know it. One of the phenomena that is very present in this journey of companies towards digital is what we call disruptive innovation.

In short, disruptive innovation is a process that transforms a product or service, making its original version obsolete. This is something that ends up having a major impact, especially on consumer behavior today.

But what exactly is this process and how can it bring countless benefits to companies? Keep reading to find out more details.


What is disruptive innovation?
What is the influence of technology on disruptive innovation?
Cloud computing
Artificial intelligence
Machine learning
Internet of Things (IoT)
What is the impact of disruptive innovation on the end consumer?
What is disruptive innovation?
The concept of disruptive innovation was defined and made cpa email lists known by the book “ The Innovator’s Dilemma ” by Harvard Business School professor Clayton Christensen. In it, the professor introduces the idea of ​​a new product or service that disrupts an existing industry or creates an entirely new market segment.

Clayton Christensen based his work on another concept explained by the Austrian economist Joseph Schumpeter, called “creative destruction.” He uses it to explain that with each new industrial or technological revolution, the previous concept was destroyed, bringing innovations.

In other words, disruptive innovation is the concept of taking something that already exists and making it simpler and cheaper. Or making something accessible to an audience that previously did not have access to a certain market.

Disruptive companies are those that bring innovations to the market, such as Apple and Netflix, for example. Today, these companies are leaders in their segments because they have introduced new concepts and ended up “overtaking” companies that did not innovate in their niche.

What is the influence of technology on disruptive innovation?
We know that the world is always undergoing major changes as a result of technological advances. The market has been following the emergence and improvement of disruptive technologies that are becoming increasingly essential for companies.

Some technologies have a big impact on the business world and can be implemented in companies to optimize strategies and impact their consumers.

So, below you will discover some of these tools and what the main benefits are for your business.

Cloud computing
Cloud computing is a technology that uses the connectivity and large scale of the internet to host various resources, programs and information.

In other words, through it, the user can access online services, without needing to download or install programs. Furthermore, it can be applied both at a personal and business level.

This is a technology used by Netflix and Spotify, for example, where the customer only needs a good internet connection to use the service. It reduces infrastructure costs, centralizes information, saves space and improves the customer experience.

Artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence is an area within computer science that is responsible for simulating human intelligence and behavior.

One example of how AI can be implemented in a company is through the use of Chatbots, for example. With them, companies can offer scheduled service that can be available to the customer regardless of the day or time.
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