The New Era of Marketing

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The New Era of Marketing

Post by sohanuzzaman56 »

Although the name of the conference may not seem very novel, the programme of presentations and speakers is quite attractive.

Organised by ESERP, the series of marketing talks aims to bring to society the trends that are revolutionising the world of marketing and international relations in order to help each person and company to be more competitive or to create and find new jobs in the field of social networks.

“The international expansion of a great brand”, Ninona Vila, Marketing Manager, Mango

“Present and future of a professional network: Xing case, Francisco R. Kleiber
Marketing Manager XING Spain

“Social Media Success Story: Barcelona fusion data Hotels Experiences”, Eduard Bosch, Marketing Manager, Gremi d´Hotels de Barcelona.

Yasmin de la Vega, President – ​​Algordanza Diamantes Ibérica
“Ash Diamonds: Immortality in the 21st Century”

Marc Segura, Director and Owner SGO LA GARRIGA – Decorative Glass
«Glass Crafts for Architecture and Design of Alt Nivell»

Albert Simo, Director and Owner, Online Platform of Luxe VIP Today
“»Online communication techniques in the luxury sector»

Sofia Vidal Bach – Director and Owner – Catahispania Travel
“Cobranding a new concept in luxury marketing”
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