Improve your contacts through networking

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Improve your contacts through networking

Post by sohanuzzaman56 »

What role does Web 2.0 play in the selection process? Why is networking important to improve your professional situation? How can you use social networks at work? In the session on 27-01, organized by Barcelona Activa, these and other questions will be answered, especially for social network users who want to maximize benefits through their use.

– José Antonio Gallego . President of the Spanish Association of job seekers number data Online Community Managers and Community Manager of BBVA. 'Web 2.0: Transforming the company'

– Cristina García . Community Marketing Manager at XING Spain. 'XING, your ally to find a job or improve your professional situation'

-Vanesa Rodríguez. Oracle Recruitment Consultant. 'Best Business Practice: ORACLE. How to Hire Candidates Through Social Media'

– Pedro Rojas . Senior Manager. Expert in Employment 2.0 and Social Networks. 'Social Networks and Employment 2.0. Do We Have a Plan?'

– Lluís Anaya Torres . Director of the Information Technology Area of ​​the Occupation Service of Catalonia. 'Feina Activa; the evolution of the Catalan Employment Portal towards interoperability with social networks'

Prestigia Online will also be present at this event, as we believe that it is another way to take the pulse of the market, learn about other sectors, listen to the opinions of great professionals, and share knowledge. It is one of the best ways to continue learning and to be able to offer our clients the best solutions on the Internet, to continue growing together.
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