Pages with high bounce rates or no inbound links are

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Pages with high bounce rates or no inbound links are

Post by sumonasumonakha.t »

Also pages that probably are hindering your SEO rather than helping. You also might find areas of content that are overfilled and can be cut down to prevent confusion around specific topics, or articles that address topics that are no longer relevant to your business or industry. With all this talk of cutting back and helping make room for new growth, it can be easy to go overboard.

Therefore, it’s important to be cautious in your pruning — the last thing you want to do is trim uruguay telegram database away all your traffic. Start slow and begin with the worst pages you identify in your audit. You can also un-index or unpublish the pages without deleting them in case you ever want to restore them to your website. In addition to deleting or un-indexing pages, there are a few other options for managing your content during a content prune: Update Some content isn’t bad but just needs updating.

If a page is getting high views but has statistics or tips that are out of date, updating the content to be more relevant and include more up-to-date information is a great solution that doesn’t require deleting. You can also add more content to pages so that thin content has more relevance. Improve You can also upgrade the quality of your content if you have relevant information that needs to be shared on a poor-performing page.
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