Today I'm going to talk to you about one of the most important aspects of your WordPress security: user roles and permissions.
Roles in WordPress (also known as user profiles) are a predefined set of permissions that define what a user can and cannot do on a website created with this content management system.
From administrator to subscriber, each role in WordPress has a specific set of permissions and things they can (or can't) do.
Here I want to go into more detail about each of the default roles that WordPress makes available to you and explain how to configure them to keep your website as secure as possible in this regard.
Let's get to it!
Below is a video in which I explain one by one the types of roles or profiles that exist in WordPress, how to establish them and what permissions each of them grants.
If you prefer the written format, skip the video croatia telegram phone numbers continue reading.
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How to Assign Roles to User Profiles in WordPress
Types of WordPress user profiles and permissions
Administrator profile
Editor Role
Author Profile
Collaborator Role
Subscriber Role
How to Assign Roles to User Profiles in WordPress
First of all, I want to clarify that you can assign user roles or profiles either when you create new users for the first time in WordPress or when you have already created one and decide to edit it from your user area.
With this clarified, to assign roles and permissions in WordPress you simply have to follow these simple steps:
1. Access the users section: From the WordPress administration panel, select the Users option in the main menu.
2. Add a new user: If you want to add a new user, select the “Add New” option and fill in the required user details.
If you already have an existing user that you want to assign or change a role to, select the appropriate user from the user list.
3. Assign a role: In the “Profile” section , select the role you want to assign to the user. Remember that each role has a specific set of permissions, so make sure you select the correct role for the user in question based on what you want them to be able to do and what you don’t want them to be able to do.
4. Save changes: Once you have selected the appropriate role, click the “Update User” button to save your changes.
As simple and easy as that. There is no more mystery to giving a user profile and, therefore, a series of specific permissions, to a user in your WordPress.