Information search

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Information search

Post by mdsojolh43 »

Recognizing a problem or need is the step that triggers the search for information. This step can take quite different forms depending on the need: reading online reviews, seeking the opinions and recommendations of friends and family, reading newspapers, visiting a store to see and test products, searching on Google, etc.

According to a Pardot survey , 70% of buyers go to Google at least 2 or 3 times during their information research phase to learn more about your business, their problems, possible solutions…

It is therefore important, to attract people who are at this stage, to improve your visibility on Google and on the internet in general. How? By creating content around your themes, responding to the problems of your target ukraine whatsapp data customers. You can also create advertising campaigns on Google by targeting queries used by your target in their research phase or Facebook campaigns. You must also work on the SEO of your website to move up in the search results.

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Step #3 Evaluating Alternatives
Following this information search phase (or even during), the person will seek to evaluate the offers/alternative solutions to be sure to make the best possible choice. The time spent in this step varies greatly. If the person is looking for a restaurant, it can be as quick as the time taken to say "Well, tonight I prefer to eat Chinese rather than Japanese". But if you are looking for Marketing Automation software , this step will be longer - the stakes are not at the same level! You will identify the different players in the market, do a benchmark, test the tools with trial periods, ask for demos, watch tutorial videos, read comparisons, etc.
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