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March 24 World Tuberculosis Day

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2025 8:34 am
March 27 World Theatre Day
World Theatre Day is seen as an opportunity for people in the theatre world to celebrate the power of performing arts to bring people together, to establish better communication with the audience and to increase understanding and peace between people.
March 27 World Railway Workers Day
Last Week of March Library Week
Library week, which started in our country in 1964, starts on the sri lanka mobile phone number last Monday of every March and lasts for a week. Its aim is to help students acquire the habit of reading, to make them love it and to make them understand the pleasure that reading brings.
Last Week of March Tax Week
aims to create tax awareness in children and young generations, to make it accepted by all segments of society, to ensure voluntary tax compliance of taxpayers and to create awareness of the fight against the informal economy.

April 1-7 Cancer Fight Week
In order to raise public awareness about cancer and cancer prevention, “National Cancer Week” events are organized in our country every year between April 1-7.
April 5 Lawyers’ Day
April 6 Murdered Journalists’ Day
April 7 World Health Day
Health Week is the week celebrated by the United Nations between April 7-13 so that people can learn about health institutions and become aware of healthy living. World Health Day is celebrated on the date the World Health Organization Constitution came into force.
April 8-14 Health Week
The main purpose of these events and seminars held specifically for World Health Day is to invite the public to a healthy life, to raise awareness and to raise awareness about healthy living.
April 10 Establishment of the Police Organization
The Police Organization, which has continued its duty to maintain peace and order since its establishment on April 10, 1845, is celebrated every year as Police Day since it was established on April 10, and the week in which it is included is known as Police Week.
April 15-22 Tourism Week
The Week Including April 17 Productivity Week
In order to create productivity awareness in society, the week including April 17, the foundation date of the abolished National Productivity Center, has been celebrated as “Productivity Week” from 1992 to 2011.