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Overly gifted theorists talk the words of pragmatic practitioners. Everyone knows at least one person in their environment who reveals too much detailed knowledge. There are many freshly graduated bosses in management positions.

Concepts, strategies and guidelines help the young boss at the start of his or her career. But the knowledge often comes from abstract books. Literature is preferred to customer feedback. According to the motto, "The customer doesn't yet know that he likes it."

This also applies to managing the team. "Once the team gets used to my ideas, they're petroleum manufacturers email lists enthusiastic." The team's experience and trust cannot be gained so quickly through Wikipedia entries. Theoretical bosses often seem aloof and isolated to the team. He/she lives in what is known as an ivory tower.

You can compare it to a mechanics student. He can reliably calculate the penetration moment of a nail. But swinging a hammer without hurting his thumb is a completely different skill.

Advantages of the Theorist

Why are theorists always hired as bosses? Because they can contribute new solutions and exciting approaches with their extensive knowledge. They are open to new findings or experiments, as long as they do not contradict the basic rules from the books. Abstract thinking and innovation are among the theorists' greatest strengths. Anyone who loves progress and development feels at home with a theorist.
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