Another example is image sequences with storytelling

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Another example is image sequences with storytelling

Post by Bappy10 »

From there, action plans are established to quickly optimize both the branding and the positioning of products in each distributor or marketplace, achieving sales increases of up to 37%. For example, when creating the title for the product detail page, you have to think about which are the most important keywords to include according to each site and what position they should be included in to better position in categories or search results. It varies according to how the algorithm is configured on each site. It is a small detail that most brands are unaware of, making their product less visible and affecting sales performance.

The essential tools to achieve this optimization also involve using new techniques estonia number data linked to artificial intelligence, such as AI tracking, and the creation of advanced assets that enhance product visibility and can be easily adapted to each market.

One example is Mobile-ready hero images , a new e-commerce solution tested by Cambridge University that ensures product images contain key purchasing information clearly and visibly on even the smallest mobile devices. As a side note, just by changing the main image on a marketplace to a Mobile-ready hero image, the brand Laphroaig saw a 37% increase in sales.
. This involves creating a sequence of images for product detail pages that explain the story of the product and link it to the purchase drivers. The process involves adding text to the images, highlighting the Unique Selling Proposition of the product and other buyer metrics. Using this technique, the brand Sipsmith achieved a 15% increase in sales that was tested on Amazon.

In short, managing multiple content providers is often a time-consuming and resource-intensive process for most brands. But it is key to ensure that content providers use up-to-date product information, are accurate, and meet the capabilities and needs of each marketplace and online retailer in each market.
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