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“Digital advertising will continue to dominate the majority of

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2025 8:27 am
by Bappy10
After the boom it has experienced in recent times, everything points to the fact that digital advertising is now in decline. Investment in this type of advertising by the big US technology companies, such as Meta, Google, Snap and Twitter , is not what was expected. In fact, these companies have presented the worst results in recent years in this regard.

In the words of Paco Mendoza, CEO of Publicis Spain , “the exponential growth observed during the pandemic has hit a wall.” This is what the expert says in an article in Expansión , in which he explains that the fear of a more than possible recession after the summer has led companies to slow down spending on online advertising.

Mendoza points out, however, that this situation could benefit traditional advertising agencies. jordan number data Three of the largest in the sector ( Interpublic and Omnicom , from the US, and the French company Publicis ) last week raised their annual growth forecasts. The British giant WPP , for its part, will present results on August 5 and is expected to perform in the same way. advertising spending. But traditional agencies are proving to be more resilient than pessimists imagined,” he says.

The disappearance of cookies will make it more difficult to obtain data for digital advertising
In addition, the promise of ending third-party cookies is putting advertisers in a bind. “Both Apple and Google have introduced new privacy features that make it harder for advertisers to obtain data for targeted ads . This has reduced the ability of brands to see the impact of their advertising spend,” says the CEO of Publicis Spain.

Google announced a few days ago that it will wait until 2024 to remove these cookies from its Chrome browser for good. Google had already said that it would stop supporting these cookies in its browser in early 2022, once the issues related to the needs of users, publishers and advertisers had been resolved. But for the second time, it has delayed the launch of this initiative.

The aim is to protect the privacy of users on the Internet. However, for brands this can be a disadvantage since they will not be able to access data on Internet users that is useful for segmented and personalized digital advertising.