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Lead Fishing: How to Integrate Active and Passive Prospecting to Generate Fast Results

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 5:54 am
by nurnobi22
When your sales team has targets to meet, do they wait anxiously for leads to arrive or do they actively pursue and fish for leads?

High-performance salespeople are used to actively prospecting. However, calling leads who don’t yet know your company can be a difficult task for less experienced salespeople.

That's why prospecting within your lead base is an excellent alternative for:

Qualify more leads for sales
Generate quick results, as leads already know you
Don't leave money on the table, after all you've already invested in attracting these leads
This is what Lead Fishing is all about: fishing for opportunities within your own contact base.

What is the difference between passive, active prospecting and fishing?
Active prospecting , passive prospecting, inbound, outbound, B2B sales … Yes, these are terms that confuse even the most experienced professionals.

Passive or inbound prospecting involves attracting leads to malaysian whatsapp number your company. Leads come to sales as “warm” leads, meaning they already know your company and a little about your offering. Inbound marketing is currently the best-known passive lead generation strategy and consists of attraction actions with content, SEO, landing pages and emails, among others.


Active or outbound prospecting is based on “hunting” cold leads, that is, leads that don’t yet know your company. This requires extra effort to “warm them up” and convert them into sales opportunities. On the other hand, you can pre-select leads that are a good fit for your business and reach a larger number of leads that inbound wouldn’t reach.

Lead fishing is the union of these two worlds: actively prospecting leads generated passively (inbound).

The first step before lead fishing
Before you start prospecting, it is very important that you have a clear idea of ​​your ideal customer profile (ICP ) . This is a necessary exercise for your prospecting to be assertive and generate results.

Based on your ICP, you will be able to segment your lead base with greater precision and optimize the time of your salespeople, who will need to make fewer contacts to identify leads that have a high fit with your business.

Types of prospecting: email or phone?
The initial approach can be either by phone or email. Although email usually allows for greater productivity, especially as an initial step, in many cases the most practical and assertive way may be to pick up the phone and call. This will vary from market to market.

Who will be responsible for prospecting?
A second important decision is who will be responsible for prospecting. Your salespeople can do this themselves, especially when there is a lack of leads. However, it is recommended to create a pre-sales or SDR (sales development representative) role specifically for prospecting inbound leads.

In this case, the SDR's role is to develop the lead's interest and confirm whether it is indeed a good fit, and then pass it on to the salesperson or sales executive.

Specializing your sales team by assigning someone specifically to the SDR role can be a huge game-changer for your lead generation.

How to put together a prospecting script
Regardless of who is responsible for this function, preparing the approach script is a very important part of prospecting. In general, the approach follows this line: