Most scientific papers are published online. There are a huge number of them, so finding the right information is much more difficult. This explains why so much attention has been paid to the digital object identifier DOI. It is used to exchange data in scientific circles. They do not recognize articles without DOI, since such materials are unstable, can easily get lost or disappear altogether.
What is a DOI and why is it necessary?
The DOI identifier contains a set of numbers and letters, consisting of two parts, indicated by the “/” sign: the prefix - the publisher’s identifier issued by the registration agency, the suffix - the article identifier directly in the publication, which itself sets the rules for the formation of this part of the code.
You can see an example of the designation in the picture. When assigning this index, an English abstract is formed, which is included in the general database on the website of the parent organization poland number for whatsapp International DOI Foundation (IDF).
Having a DOI has many benefits:
ensures stable storage of the article on the Internet;
increases the coverage and citation of material;
increases the author's recognition;
reduces the risk of error when copying information from an article.
One of the main advantages of DOI is the ability to get into Web of Science or Scopus. To do this, it is enough for the author to cite your work. Then, if his work is published in a journal included in one of the specified databases, your article will receive its own citation index. When compiling a bibliographic list, DOI is required for each cited work.
How to get DOI
In order for your article to receive a DOI, it must be published in a journal of a publishing house that provides such a service. Not all publications provide it.
The identifier is given to the entire article or its parts, which is convenient if the material was created not by one author, but by a whole team. The assignment of DOI is handled by official registrars:

Crossref is a registrar that not only edits but also checks the uniqueness of materials that receive a DOI identifier. Crossref requires an ISSN for periodicals and ISBN for non-periodicals.
DataCite is an international consortium that works with various repositories such as libraries and repositories that cannot independently check the work for plagiarism and are not responsible for their correctness. This explains why the number of types of scientific information that can be registered here is greater than in the previous agency.