Message 3: Conveyed saving energy was the “socially responsible” thing to do.
Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 6:14 am
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The idea in both examples is to make the subscriber feel like they’re phone number database missing out on something that could be valuable or interesting if they don’t click through.
Provide recommendations
Both business and consumer buyers are spending quite a bit of time researching vendors, products and services before even reaching out to learn more or to make a purchase. It’s no wonder that online reviews play such a critical role in today’s buying process. Consider G2 Crowd for B2B and the reviews buyers post on retail sites such as Target and What other people think about a purchase matters to us, even if we don’t know them.
So why not provide “social proof” such as reviews and testimonials in your email content? Consider this study published by the Wall Street Journal:
Researchers tested how powerful social proof was as a driver of customer behavior. They used four different messages in an effort to convince buyers to use fans instead of air conditioning.
Message 1: Informed customers they could be saving $54/month on their utility bill by using fans instead of air conditioning.
Message 2: Told customers they could prevent the release of 262 pounds of greenhouse gasses every month by switching from air conditioning to a fan.
Message 4: Let customers know that 77% of their neighbors were already using fans to save energy.
The study found that Message 4 was the most effective, beating out the messages about saving money or protecting the environment.
If you want to improve email click through rates in your email marketing campaigns, try including forms of social proof such as customer testimonials to show other people have taken similar actions and to also reassure subscribers the offer you are making is legitimate and of value.
Speak to readers, not at them
Let’s be honest, we all like our ego stroked from time to time. Your subscribers are no different. Instead of spewing content at the them and hoping something “sticks” try content that speaks directly to them.
The idea in both examples is to make the subscriber feel like they’re phone number database missing out on something that could be valuable or interesting if they don’t click through.
Provide recommendations
Both business and consumer buyers are spending quite a bit of time researching vendors, products and services before even reaching out to learn more or to make a purchase. It’s no wonder that online reviews play such a critical role in today’s buying process. Consider G2 Crowd for B2B and the reviews buyers post on retail sites such as Target and What other people think about a purchase matters to us, even if we don’t know them.
So why not provide “social proof” such as reviews and testimonials in your email content? Consider this study published by the Wall Street Journal:
Researchers tested how powerful social proof was as a driver of customer behavior. They used four different messages in an effort to convince buyers to use fans instead of air conditioning.
Message 1: Informed customers they could be saving $54/month on their utility bill by using fans instead of air conditioning.
Message 2: Told customers they could prevent the release of 262 pounds of greenhouse gasses every month by switching from air conditioning to a fan.
Message 4: Let customers know that 77% of their neighbors were already using fans to save energy.
The study found that Message 4 was the most effective, beating out the messages about saving money or protecting the environment.
If you want to improve email click through rates in your email marketing campaigns, try including forms of social proof such as customer testimonials to show other people have taken similar actions and to also reassure subscribers the offer you are making is legitimate and of value.
Speak to readers, not at them
Let’s be honest, we all like our ego stroked from time to time. Your subscribers are no different. Instead of spewing content at the them and hoping something “sticks” try content that speaks directly to them.