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Types of business processes subject to optimization

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 6:17 am
by Mimakte
Optimization of business processes should be carried out at different stages of the company's work. Having studied the needs of the business, it is possible to optimize:

Quality of goods and services . You can improve these indicators by analyzing the actions taken during production. Work on the shortcomings, and you will get many new loyal consumers.

Production costs and product cost . Think about how to reduce costs without losing quality. Review raw materials, materials, operating costs, personnel efficiency and optimize these indicators.

Organizational structure : redistribution of resources whatsapp number australia can be very effective. Timely revision of tasks and responsibilities will give a new impetus to the development of the company.

Manageability of the company . It can be increased without resorting to hiring additional personnel, but simply by working with management systems, among which are, for example, CRM or ERP. This increases the transparency of all processes, makes the management system more understandable and leads to a decrease in the number of mistakes that the team can make.

Automation of production processes . In order to move forward effectively, some routine tasks can now be entrusted to modern technologies. Then employees free from them will have the opportunity to prove themselves in more complex areas, which will definitely bear fruit. For example, sending letters, publishing posts on social networks can really be set up in automatic mode, which will definitely save you time.


When improving the company's work, you can work on individual business processes or on the entire system at once. You need to clearly understand the goals that will arise based on your needs at all stages of production of goods or services. The meaning of optimization will always be in improving the quality of the final product and increasing profits, which will have a positive effect on the company's rating on the market among consumers and partners.

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Principles of Business Process Optimization
Experienced managers have developed a system of business process optimization according to certain rules. These rules help beginners avoid the standard mistakes of young businesses. Using this system of actions, they develop a clear direction for the company's development.

This section contains a lot of detail, but for convenience they can be combined into four basic principles:

Localize the problem
The first step before you start improving your existing business processes is to understand what operations your company has and how they are performed.

To organize the actual processes, you will need tables and various diagrams. The simplest descriptions of business processes can be recorded using the following characteristics: duration of execution, employees performing the task, and the results that must be obtained.

Localize the problem


This way you will be able to highlight the advantages, weaknesses and make the tactics for solving the problems that arise more understandable. Actions that do not bring results at all will become noticeable. It will not be possible to describe them, which means it is better not to perform them and rebuild the process from the beginning.

Move from the general to the specific
It won't be possible to restructure the entire business at once:

If important details are ignored, the connections between working algorithms can be broken.

Optimizing business processes is not a quick action. Changing all procedures can waste unnecessary resources and break something that works well anyway.

It is better to start with small non-key tasks, changing the processes that include them. Increase the volume gradually. In this way, you can get results from the first changes, without causing psychological resistance from employees. If for some reason the changes turn out to be ineffective or irrelevant, they can be easily canceled or replaced with new ones.

Use an integrated approach
All business processes are links in one chain. The point of optimization is to find a solution that will have a positive impact.

Before you begin new actions in one part of the company, consider whether they will affect others (in the near future and in the future).

When changes in one area slow down the work of another, you should look for a different approach. All the adjustments and rollbacks after launching new processes will consume a lot of time and your resources.

Be guided by numbers, not by opinions
As a rule, the new may not be perceived very positively. Employees will be unhappy with the changes, and sometimes even sabotage is possible.

But opinions do not always reflect the true situation, and it is worth trusting the numerical indicators. If the new scheme helped to reduce the time spent on working with an order, then it obviously works effectively.

Of course, you shouldn't completely abandon the thoughts of the team. If you ignore the accumulated discontent of employees for a long time, you can cause sabotage.

A competent dialogue in which the manager explains the necessity and meaning of updates will always relieve the atmosphere in the team and provide an opportunity to achieve the best result.