The idea of a rolling Thunder just continually amplifying

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The idea of a rolling Thunder just continually amplifying

Post by rakibhasanbd4723 »

SEAN: Yeah. the messaging. And I think there's a big opportunity that people miss where they don't necessarily as marketers, lean in and talk to early adopters. If you're launching a new product, I try and get every single customer you can on the phone. And then when you find those customers who are super savvy at the bleeding edge of whatever field you're in, lean in and try and understand a problem sets and how your product can solve it and work with your product organization at large to iterate through the product life cycle. Because there's an advantage that you can gain by working with the mobile number data smartest people in any industry, those customer learning loops that provide valuable feedback that help you sharpen your product. And really, you can out learn your competitors into space and create something much better that way.

CAROLINE: Yeah. Absolutely. Any other keys to success in launching a new product you could share with us today?


SEAN: Yeah. I think getting the messaging for a product launch, especially if you're launching somewhat technical products, is really, really key. And just like there's a product development life cycle, there's a messaging development lifecycle. Some of the things that I found really well in a prior career; I was selling higher education technology software to academics. So, our customers were PhDs, they were Deans of universities, a were Provost. And anytime we went above a grade six or seven reading level and our messaging copy on email or on landing pages, we saw a huge dramatic drop off in response engagement.

How can you boil down and make it super simple that somebody can skim it? And one other suggestion I personally get a ton of value on is before you launch a new product, go and shop it around, build the landing page, have all your launch collateral already, and then talk to some of your existing customers or prospects and show them the page. Have them reiterate to you what they think it is you're trying to do. And you'll learn that there's probably a large Delta between how you think you're explaining it and how people are understanding it. And the more times you can do that, and the tighter you can get that gap before actually launching or even post launch. Continue to view this the better the chance of actually conveying your value in the market.

CAROLINE: Yeah, I love this. So, optimize care more about postlaunch than just the launch itself. Keeps things simple really important. And I think there's a second advice in here to not make too many assumptions. Right? We assume I'm communicating to PhDs. I need to write a certain way. Well, test that right. Make sure you're right, and then ask for feedback.

And so those are three keys of success to launching a new product. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. I think it was super helpful. So, thank you for being here with u
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