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I'd love to hear from anyone who has a better method Last week at Pubcon Las Vegas

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 7:03 am
by zihadhasan019
Or go much more granular (e.g. 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, ....). Anything in between tends to generate artifacts The bin range has to be on the same sheet as the data - if you try to pull in a bin range from another sheet, it fails silently If you want to do the surface chart, you need to do some interpolation between your points.

In the examples above, I just did a linear interpola taiwan email list tion (i.e. drawing a straight line between the different page levels) - so if the homepage has 100 mR 2 links and the next page has 50 mR 2 links, I just created 10 imaginary pages with 55, 60, 65, 70... mR 2 links to spread the surface out far enough to see it. This may not be the best way of doing things.


I presented on How to Buy Links with Maximum Juice and Minimum Effort with fellow panelists Roger Montti (Martinibuster), Aaron Wall (SEOBook) and Todd Malicoat (Stuntdubl). I was a bit of an odd choice for this discussion, as I'd only recently announced SEOmoz's Stance on Paid Links & Link Ads, but Pubcon's organizers decided it would be interesting to have a divergent point-of-view.