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Nostalgia marketing: why is it so effective? Get to know the whole concept!

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 7:20 am
by Abdur11
Do you recognize the feeling when you arrive at your parents' house and smell your mom's cooking?

Or when you turn on the television and they're showing that cartoon you watched as a child?

And when you open the drawers of old things and find a tamagoshi? And what about those songs that remind you of a past relationship?

All this brings us back to the famous nostalgia, that feeling that we carry in the memory of our life.

And nostalgia sells and attracts consumers. Do you have any doubts?

What do Stranger Things, Pokémon Go and Harry Potter italy number for whatsapp have in common? That's right, nostalgia marketing .

They all awaken in us that longing for the old days and that frenzy and desire to live it again, even if only for a short period of time.

But is this type of marketing really effective? How can we create nostalgic content? And how can we apply it to our strategy?

I'm going to show you all that here! Shall we?


What is nostalgia marketing?
The Frunas, the Motitas, the Barrilete and that Brick Game toy, better known as the portable Atari (if you don't remember it, it's the one in the photo above) are part of the past of many people (in Colombia to be more precise).

Some of these, such as Barrilete and Frunas, are being relaunched.

But wait a minute.

They are not being re-released with current designs , responsible companies are making use of retro design.


Because it sells. As it says in the introduction, nostalgia sells .

And that is what nostalgia marketing is: using themes and products from the past in your current strategy to awaken in your consumers that longing to return to the past by buying your products.

Marketers have already noticed that nostalgia is surpassing the #throwbackthursday hashtag on social media for something much bigger, attracting more attention and consumers.

A current example is the Motorola commercial where they show the old V3, which was a hit in the early 2000s and to be honest, who never wanted one? And they are using this phone, for the launch of a new product!