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It is not optimized for mobile devices

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 8:27 am
by surovy115
Visual elements are essential for any website; they improve readability and help retain your audience. However, many include lots of eye-catching images without clear captions. Google won't be able to identify the visual elements and know if they are relevant; your ranking drops.

What you can do
Using relevant, quality images is good for SEO. Use images with clear titles and captions so Google knows you are using appropriate images. Doing so will help you rank better on Google.

Keyword stuffing
Using the right keywords is all well and good. However, do you know that if you use too many, you can be penalized by Google? Yes, some overuse them on their website to the point of saturating it! Others even repeat saudi arabia rich man contact number whatsapp number keywords endlessly; this is an SEO killer.

What you can do
Everything in moderation. Using the right keywords is the right thing to do, but don't just randomly and aimlessly multiply them all over your website. Using them wisely and just the right number of times will serve you well.


Not optimized for mobile devicesNumber of global smartphone subscriptions 2016-2027 (Source: Statista )_

In 2019, Google enabled mobile-first indexing – this is when Google ranks the mobile version predominantly over the website version. This is not surprising, as smartphone users have surpassed 6.5 billion. Therefore, the majority will be searching online via their mobile devices.

Unfortunately, many people assume that their audience is mostly reached via their traditional desktop computers. They then focus their efforts on having their websites optimized for desktop computers. Before long, they will notice that their rankings drop and that they have cut off a portion of their audience.

What you can do
Websites that are already desktop-friendly need to be recoded to be mobile-friendly. Your WordPress website needs to be optimized to be lightweight and compatible with mobile devices of all sizes. Your goal is to make sure that both the desktop and mobile versions of your website work well in all aspects, including speed and performance .

5. Slow page speed
Slow page speedChecking the performance of the website '' (Source: Google PageSpeed ​​Insights )_

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Google places a lot of importance on the speed of your website when ranking it. Let’s face it: no one will wait more than 2 seconds for your website to load – they will leave if it takes longer. So it’s no surprise that Google penalizes slow websites. Speed ​​is an important ranking signal as it determines the user’s online experience.